13 Helpful Coping Skills for 20 Somethings

So you are looking for some coping skills? Let’s start with what that even really means. Coping skills are different tactics/techniques/methods that an individual utilizing to help more effectively manage their “negative” emotions/moods/feelings. I am constantly talking to my clients about a variety of coping skills they could use, so here are my top 13 go-to skills for my own personal life…

  1. GOING OUTSIDE. Whenever I pull myself out off the couch and get my butt outside, whether it is warm or cold (this doesn’t work so well on the rainy days), I instantly feel better.
  2. EXERCISE. Similar to going outside, exercise is a great way to get myself up and moving
  3. MEDITATION/GUIDED IMAGERY. There are so many forms of meditation out there, that this can be a little overwhelming at times. Check out my blog post on how I like to meditate to learn some specific techniques that works for me at https://seasidecounselingcenter.com/how-i-meditate-and-how-you-can-too/.
  4. (P)LAY WITH MY DOG. Or really any animal for that matter. I find being around animals and not having an expectation of verbal communication to be very calming!
  5. JOURNAL. Although I’ve mentioned before I am terrible about consistently journaling… when I do use this practice it really helps. I am a very list oriented person, so I like to write down goals I have or what my “next steps” are going to be, but many people enjoy just writing whatever comes out or a story. Do whatever works best for you.
  6. TAKE A BATH/SHOWER. Pretty self explanatory!
  7. DO A FACE MASK. I love me some good ole self care and a face mask is exactly what this is for me.
  8. LAY ON THE GROUND. This is literally “grounding”, but is normally very helpful for me when I am experiencing a lot of anxiety. I actually am not joking and seriously just lay on the ground, whether I am at work or home. It helps.
  9. MUSIC. This is a HUGE one for most people. Music can absolutely change an entire mood, so make sure you are paying attention to what music you are listening to and how it is affecting you. Try to avoid music that is just going to pull you deeper into your feelings (unless that is your goal!).
  10. CRY. Crying is a cleanse. It may not feel good during, but at least for me, after I cry I normally feel a lot lighter and as if I gave myself time to process my emotions (rather than just suppressing them).
  11. TALK TO SOMEONE. A friend, parent, therapist, clergy member, animal, yourself. It doesn’t matter who, as long as they are there to listen and help you process!
  12. CRAFT/PAINT/COLOR/DRAW. When I am stressed I like to tap into my more artistic side and express myself that way! This is a great technique when I am just too tired or over it to talk about it.
  13. REMIND YOURSELF IT IS GOING TO BE OKAY! In times of intense emotion it can feel like the world is caving in on you. Sometimes just reminding yourself that you are going to be able to get through this, take it one step at a time, slow down… is more beneficial than actually doing something.

BONUS TIP: Different coping skills are going to work differently depending on the emotions you are experiencing. Try clueing yourself in on what you are feeling (this is a MAJOR skill within itself) and identify what feels like an appropriate coping skill for this emotion and this environment (you probably won’t want to lay on the ground if you’re on the subway or in a restaurant).

ACTION STEP: Set your phone/computer/tablet down and try one of the coping skills above. Recognize how you felt after you completed it. Was it helpful? Did it change your mood? What was your mindset like during it?

Finally, as always, if you ever need someone to talk to… reach out to me and we’ll get you set up for a free 15 minute phone consultation to figure out what the best next step is for you. I am here for you!

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