5 Ultimate Vulnerability Exercises

Anyone else watch the freaking fantastic Brene Brown Netflix segment? If you answer is no, you need to watch it. I literally cried it was so good and I am not really a cryer which is SAYIN’ SUMTHIN!!!

So whether or not you watched it, here’s a quick reasoning as to why vulnerability is so important. It brings us closer to ourselves and those around us. It helps us identify what is really important in our lives and what we want to work towards. It allows us to put ourselves in situations that make us (positively) nervous or scared shitless.

Alright, now after I watched the segment. I was like uhhh oh shit. I am not good at being vulnerable and should like seriously work on this. Then I thought to myself, alright, so I know I’m not good at this…… but how do I get better at it???? Like help plz??!?

Started from the bottom, now we here. But really, I did actually go through all of those thoughts and came up with some ideas on how I plan to practice being more vulnerable, so I figured why not share them. HERE YOU GO:

  1. Practice vulnerability with yourself. Being open, honest, and truly vulnerable is actually really freaking hard. So I found it best to start with myself. What do I want out of life? What am I not getting? How am I and others blocking me from getting there? What am I holding back? Take some time to yourself in an environment where you can really meditate on what it is that you are missing. Write down what comes to mind and analyze how you can start to work on it. Make a game plan for how you will start to improve. Want to learn HOW to be more vulnerable? Check that out here.
  2. Practice vulnerability with A loved one. Pick someone that you feel comfortable with, but recognize there is still room for improvement in that relationship. Try discussing one or more things from your list above and encourage them to do the same back to you. In a relationship? Dig even deeper with our partner vulnerability exercises.
  3. Eye Contact. Are you like me and feel prolonged eye contact can be hella awkward? Welp eye contact is one of the external and physical signs of vulnerability. So work on it. Pick someone and practice holding eye contact for four minutes. After four minutes it is proven that we start to feel a stronger connection with that person.
  4. Do something that you’ve always wanted to that scares the shit out of you. This one is pretty straight forward and obvious. We hold ourselves back from our full potential because we are scared. Do something that you’ve always been too scared to do in the past. Go skydiving. Ask someone out on a date. Tell the honest truth to your friend. Start a business. Just do something.
  5. Get outside of your head. Vulnerability takes practice. It also comes with being more in tune with oneself, which stems from practice of mindfulness! Check out my post on how you can be more mindful in day-to-day life at Become a Mindful Badass.

BONUS: If you are seeking to be more vulnerable in your relationship AND you and your partner are considering having children together…. check out our newest course! It is loaded with information, exercises, tips, all the things!

BONUS BONUS: We dig even deeper into vulnerability in how to be more vulnerable. Check it out!