Jacksonville, Florida Therapist. Here I am!

So in case you’ve been looking around my website and been thinking, wait where the hell does she actually offer these services… This post is for you!

I currently live in the great state of Colorado and have since one week after my grad school graduation. I work at an awesome private practice, owned by the coolest woman ever. It was here that I really found out that the private practice space is for me, I just needed to adjust it a little (by adding animals into the mix).

So with that I have decided to move across the country (again) and start my private practice in the wild state of FLORIDA. So if you live in Jacksonville, COME SEE ME! I’d love to chat and find out ways I can be of service to you. If you live in FLORIDA… virtually come see me! I am licensed throughout Florida to offer all of my counseling and coaching services to any resident of Florida. And if you live anywhere else in the world check out of my blog posts or call/text/email me and if you are need of services I can 1. offer you my worldwide coaching services OR 2. set you on the right path to find the perfect fit for you.

Let’s get started! I hope you have a wonderful week.