How To Enjoy Weddings When You Are Single

Everyone around you seems to be engaged or already married. There is the dreaded “plus one” thing to consider and you just really don’t want to be sad at this wedding because you are single.

Well, what should you do about it?

Identify in advance that you are going to be mindful and present the entire day.

We often get sad or lonely at weddings because we are thinking about how that may never be me. I am going to be alone forever. Rather than focusing on what we don’t have and our future problems, take a deep breath and remind yourself to stay in the here and now. If you catch yourself, that’s great, recorrect yourself.

Focus on what you do have. We all take different paths and you have some bomb ass things about you, that the couple in front of you doesn’t. The grass is always greener…. well let me tell you just because someone is in a relationship or getting married, DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE HAPPY. So rather than focusing on what you lack, think about what you have.

You aren’t weird, awkward, dumb, ugly, or any other negative thing you are telling yourself. If anything quite the opposite. You value yourself, so much that you aren’t in a bad relationship. You are a step ahead of those in a bad relationship, who will break up and take time to heal and start from scratch. So cut the shit and STOP BRINGING YOURSELF DOWN. When those negative thoughts creep it, remember to check yourself. Just because your brain thought it does not mean it is true.

Have a drink. I don’t mean this in a way to encourage alcohol, use whatever drink you want. When we stop and take a drink (alcohol, water, coffee, kombucha, whatever). We give ourselves a second to relax and have a moment. Weddings can be high pressure with small talk, dancing, looking your best. They aren’t easy and it’s okay and encouraged to take small (or big) moments to yourself when you need them throughout the day.

So get your badass self ready for this damn wedding and kill it. Bring a date or a friend or go stag. Enjoy the food and (hopefully) free drinks and hella cake. You’ve got this.
If you are struggling with the idea of being single, check out my other post about it e