Welcome back again! This is Day 4 of Relationship Refresh. Yesterday we talked about improvement areas in our relationships.
You should have, emphasis on the should, had a discussion with your significant other about what areas you see need improvement, as well as ask what areas they think could be improved.
With both of those different topics that you talked about you should have come up with a game plan to start to see the changes that you want to see in each other or in your relationship.
Sooooo, we’ve focused on all of the bad stuff. The stuff we are ashamed of, that is really rough, the stuff that we are concerned about.
Today we are going to focus on on the flip side (YAY, FINALLY). What are some amazing things about your relationship and your partner? What are some amazing things about you when you are with your significant other? Relationship with each other’s family? Friends? What things do you from each other that you wouldn’t have if it was just you?
One of the most important parts of a relationship is not just focusing on the areas of improvement/negative, but also identifying the wonderful parts of your relationship.
Now… if you are struggling to even come up with a few things that you are grateful for, this is a good point to stop and really identify how invested are you in this relationship? Is this what you want?
If the answer is HELL YES. Think harder about what you like.
If the answer is I’m not sure or HELL NO. I suggest doing more self-exploration and start seeing a therapist to talk through all of that stuff that you are experiencing. Maybe this relationship isn’t for you or maybe there are some serious things that need to change in order it to be for you.
Either way is A-OK, but this is a great time to stop and if there aren’t enough good things in this relationship, consider that.
So write down all of the great things about your relationship and I will see you tomorrow!
Links to each part of the series will be added here when complete:
Introduction: https://seasidecounselingcenter.com/relationship-refresh-vlog-series/
1: https://seasidecounselingcenter.com/relationship-refresh-vlog-series-part-1/
2: https://seasidecounselingcenter.com/relationship-refresh-vlog-series-part-2/
3: https://seasidecounselingcenter.com/relationship-refresh-vlog-series-part-3/
4: https://seasidecounselingcenter.com/relationship-refresh-vlog-series-part-4/
5: https://seasidecounselingcenter.com/relationship-refresh-vlog-series-part-5/
6: https://seasidecounselingcenter.com/relationship-refresh-vlog-series-part-6/
Rachel Cohen, MSW, LCSW is the owner and therapist at Seaside Counseling Center in Jacksonville Beach, FL. Rachel works with lonely, frustrated, and overwhelmed teens and 20 something’s throughout Florida.