Meet Us

Therapist, Founder | SHE/HER
licensed clinical social worker
Hiiii, I’m Rachel! And this is me: a very intense dog lover (meet my therapy dog below), queeeen of being happy doing nothing, and a serious empath.
Although I haven’t met you yet, I’m really freaking excited to. I already know you are awesome and that you deserve great therapy. Whether that is with me or another therapist, I’m here for you.
I enjoy working with people trying to sort through the bullshit of life. Those that want to live deeply, authenticly (not sure that is a real word), but feel they just can’t figure out how to get there. Let’s get you to thrive!

Therapy Dog
***Please note that Holly is officially “retired” and only comes to the office on an occasional visit 🙂 ***
Holly’s a 12-year-old goldendoodle. I (Rachel) adopted her, so she could fulfill her destiny: to make human friends, be petted, and told she’s perfect all day everyday.
She’s a natural in the therapy room; gentle, responsive, loving, and just a touch of sass. She’s so happy to be in the company of humans and has a strong desire to nurture (or to be nurtured, it’s all about your perspective 🙂 ). Holly comes to the office part time with me, she gets lots of PTO, as she surely earns it!
Nicknames: holly dolly, fluffernutter, silly girl
Likes: destuffing toys, carrots, sleeping until noon, burping, being told she is beautiful
Dislikes: thunder, running